
Showing posts from May, 2012


Living the Life with Blackberry at a Breeze

This is my official entry to Gadget Bonanza BlackBerry Power Pair Edition   "You may delay, but time will not" -Benjamin Franklin.   How vital is time? Time is life. So if you've wasted your time, it only means, you've wasted your life.   Effective time management is the basis of good professional habits. It is the process of prioritizing. But for a person with a purpose--businessman, professional or whoever lives with a purpose, everything is important, and for me as a student, time must be well spent. Everyone gets the exact same amount of time each every day, and it depends on how each one spend it. Seeking for better time management, people have switched from laptops to smartphones as it offers portability alongside with usability. As a person of purpose comes the responsibility of being productive and quick to be a better person, if not for every person I care for but at least to myself.   "People who live for a purpose, these

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